Thursday 1 January 2009

My annual Booklist

It's time to look back a little and doing this I'm very, very glad that I started taking pottery classes last year! It's something I thoroughly enjoy and I even think I'm really good for an absolute beginner with aching hands and very little practice. The coolest (or rather hottest) thing I did last year was melting glass. Okay, it happened in the kiln, but still... (Really, I'm totally proud of this fact. I melted glass, woohoo!)
My New Year's resolutions are quite the same as last year: I'd like to do crafty stuff as often as possible (and I want to get better with my pottery) and I'd like to read more books (or at least as many as last year). As I have the bad habit to put my booklists online, here's my list of books I read in 2008 with my favourites being Virginia Woolfs "Mrs Dalloway", that I reread after a long time, Herman Melville's ambigiuous "Pierre" and Richard Dawkins' atheistic educational pamphlet.

Books 2008

Georg Schramm - Lassen Sie es mich so sagen
Ian McEwan - Atonement
Eva-Maria Metcalf - Astrid Lindgren
Walter Womacka - Farbe bekennen
Lisa Moos - Das erste Mal und immer wieder
Fiona Davidson - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Emily Brontë - Wuthering Heights
Eric J. Hobsbawm - Nationen und Nationalismus
Roger Willemsen - Afghanische Reise
Stephen Fry - The Hippopotamus
Daniela Dahn - Demokratischer Abbruch
Rolf Hochhuth - McKinsey kommt & Moliéres Tartuffe
Georg Vobruba - Entkoppelung von Arbeit und Einkommen. Das Grundeinkommen in der Arbeitsgesellschaft
Bruce J. Dierenfield - The Civil Rights Movement
Alex Hannaford - Scissor Sisters
John Henry Mackay - Die Anarchisten
Patricia Highsmith - Carol
Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
Zadie Smith - On Beauty
Naomi Klein - No Logo!
Helmut Blazek - Rosa Zeiten für rosa Liebe
Matthias Arnold - Van Gogh und seine Vorbilder
Tatjana Rasina u.a. - Die Volkskunst der Sowjetunion
Shuichi Kato - Geheimnis Japan
Shirin Ebadi - Mein Iran
Banksy - Wall and Piece
Fjodor Dostojewski - Der Idiot
Albrecht Müller - Die Reformlüge
Herman Melville - Pierre oder die Doppeldeutigkeiten
Wolfgang Herzberg - Gerry Wolff. Die Rose war rot
Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories
Ralf Husmann - Nicht mein Tag
Robert Hughes - Lucian Freud. Gemälde
Jean-Louis Ferrier - Paul Klee
Wolfgang Hütt - Walter Womacka
Jutta Ditfurth - Was ich denke
Charlotte Roche - Feuchtgebiete
Jutta Ditfurth - Durch unsichtbare Mauern
Phil Braham - Naked Men
Milan Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins
Pierre Restany - Hundertwasser
Charlotte & Peter Fiell - Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Měrćin Nowak-Neumann - Meister Krabat, der gute sorbische Zauberer
Patrick Bade - Lempicka
Jürgen Miermeister - Rudi Dutschke
Will Pryce - Die Kunst der Holzarchitektur
Helmut Kuhn - Arm, Reich - Und dazwischen nichts
Alice Schwarzer & Barbara Maia - Liebe Alice! Liebe Barbara!
Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
Niki de Saint-Phalle - Der Tarot-Garten
Brigitte Reinhardt (Hrsg.) - Niki de Saint-Phalle. Liebe, Protest, Phantasie
Marjane Satrapi - Persepolis
Max Goldt - Vom Zauber des seitlich dran Vorbeigehens

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