Monday, 21 September 2009


I made these pieces months ago and I'm totally proud of them. (And I hate it when people ask me why I made a sieve.)

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Autumn is coming

I'm neglecting my blog a bit. Before I'm back with more crafting (Lately I forget to take pictures of it.) a few more proud harvesting shots.

I have so many sweet peppers, I can't eat them quick enough before they redden. I prefer them green but my parents are very happy with the red ones.

I had a special tomato and now a similar pepper.

One of them burst open.

Here are some autumnal findings of a short morning stroll. I love the beechnuts! They are so tasty and cracking them makes me feel like a squirrel.

Sunday, 6 September 2009


I'm still so very fascinated by all the shapes and details of wild herbs and plants and tried to make a few more things with botanical imprints.

It's getting harder to find suitable leaves and grasses as summer fades and they dry and wither. Also in many places these beauties are mowed down. (It's such a sad sight.) Apart from the pot and buttons in the photo above I also made another wall panel I'll show at a later stage. I couldn't take a proper picture of it.

This sponge vessel is another thing I made. I nicked the idea from bptakoma on Flickr and just had to give it a try! It takes some time and patience (and for me some pain in the wrists) to cover a pinch pot with a surface like this.

Friday, 4 September 2009

More Harvesting

Various sorts of sweet peppers.

Lots and lots of tomatoes.
Some are climbing high and out of reach.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


I always forget to post pictures of my finished pieces, so today here's my first and so far only wheel-thrown little dish.

I would love to try this again and I watch videos like this of Whitney Smith and that of Kim Westad sharing their process of making pottery with a mix of envy and deep admiration because I know it's out of reach for me to ever get this good but it is such a wonderful craft!